How is your heart feeling today? Calm, at ease, loving or is there some challenging emotion going on—anger, resentment, disappointment, grief, sadness?
Our heart center is a place of vast spaciousness and capable of unconditional love for ourselves and others.
It takes a clear egoic state to maintain a level of acceptance of ourselves and others, as well as tolerance, compassion, love and forgiveness.
Leslie Temple-Thurston first introduced the concept that there are keys to open the various chakras and to fully open each chakra’s energy the locks need to be opened with each chakra’s key.
The key for the heart chakra is – forgive all betrayals, those betrayals you have done (to yourself or to others) and those that have been done to you.
How do I know if my heart chakra is blocked?
Consider for a moment ways you have let yourself down, ways you may have been harsh with yourself about something you did or some emotion or state of mind you have held– or still do.
How might you move towards more tolerance and acceptance of yourself? Start with a smaller issue and as you gain some success in moving more towards compassion for yourself, take on a larger issue.
One way might be to have a conversation with that part of you that is upset, angry or sad. Ask her what she needs to feel better, less upset, angry or sad. Is this emotion related to some time or event in your childhood? If so, talk to that little girl and ask her what she needed at the time that she didn’t get. As the adult now, is that something you could give to her?
Another way would be to meditate on the issue that is keeping you from opening your heart to yourself. Ask for guidance from your Wise Inner Woman about how to heal this issue.
What blocks the heart chakra?
Having a disturbance in your energy field indicates a place of imbalance. To balance your heart energy and live in a fully open heart, able to forgive all betrayal– all the time –for most of us— is a work in progress. This state of being indicates that we have come to understand that we are not our ego, not our emotions, not the thoughts that run thru our mind, we are not our body. We are Spirit, the Divine having a physical body experience and as such we are whole and complete.
Moving to complete forgiveness of betrayals starts with acceptance, moves to tolerance, then compassion grows and eventually forgiveness and love arrives.
Living with more tolerance and compassion towards yourself will manifest in a greater experience of joy, light heartedness, feeling grounded and calmer.
I wish you the blessing of tolerance, compassion and love for yourself.